A glamorous Hollywood starlet must fight for her life, her love, and her country in this epic 1930s tale.
During the golden age of Hollywood, film star Roxy Price's future shines bright -- until the fated Black Friday when it all comes crashing down. Her only hope is to join forces with Belgian duke Rolfe Van Horne, a film investor. But Rolfe is not who he seems, and his plans to support a growing unrest in Europe could break Roxy's heart and endanger her life. When her country needs her, will she have the courage to surrender her glittering world and her one true love?
My Thoughts
As it was with both of the previous Daughter of Fortune books this story swept me and wreaked havoc on my emotions. I was happy, sad, frustrated, mad, anxious, and every feeling in between. I don't know how she does it but Susan May Warren is one amazing author! After the end of Baroness I have been dying to finally read Rosie's story and it definitely was worth the wait. I am amazed at the fact that even after how much Rosie had to go through she never gave up. Her whole life was one loss after another and yet somehow she found the strength to go on. Rolfe was really cool and, even though she didn't want to admit it, exactly the kind of guy Rosie needed. I loved the setting of old Hollywood and it was absolutely perfect for the story. There is so much more I could say but I want to leave you to discover things on your own and I will leave you with the fact that this is a beautifully amazing series that you should definitely read-just be sure to do it in order!
Growing up in Minneapolis and attending the U of MN, I learned to love city life, although I'm a woodsy girl
at heart. Or maybe I'm an adventurer -- having lived and traveled all over the world, including Siberia Russia as a missionary for eight years. Probably that's why my characters can't sit still, and seem to get into one scrape after another -- they're too much like me! I love God, my family, my country, my church, and feel privileged every day to be able to write stories, that I hope inspire and entertain!
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Susan May Warren is celebrating the release of Duchess with a Kindle Fire HD Giveaway.
One "glam" winner will receive:
- A brand new Kindle Fire HD
- Signed copies of Duchess, Baroness and Heiress
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