Monday, March 24, 2008

Exclusive Bits from James Scott Bell Interview - Part One

Here's part of the interview I couldn't fit into the article - check back tomorrow for more!

How do you balance your nonfiction-about-fiction (Plot & Structure, Writer's Digest articles) with your novels?

It's actually a great balance. The non-fiction uses a different part of my writer's brain. So I can go back and forth between fiction and non-fiction easily. Isaac Asimov used to do this, sometimes with multiple projects going at once.

Who do you look up to as spiritual and literary mentors, and why?

So many spiritual mentors. From the past, C.S. Lewis and R. A. Torrey. In the present, John Piper and Dallas Willard.

In literature, Raymond Chandler, of course. Michael Connelly. John D. MacDonald. In college I loved Hemingway and Saroyan. I still think Saroyan's collection of stories, My Name is Aram, and Hemingway's stories, are the best in the English language.