About the Book
Missionary Leaders Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses from Africa
Continuing where their book Expecting Miracles left off, this narrative draws from the last five years of the life of Iris Ministries. Woven alongside fascinating narrative from Mozambique is teaching from Heidi and Rolland that communicates the distilled wisdom about the heart of the Gospel from all their years of serving the poor.
More than any of their previous books, this one has the most to say about what Rolland and Heidi have learned about love--whether in Africa or wherever home might be: finding intimacy with Jesus, concentrating on the humble and lowly, being willing to suffer for love's sake, finding God's supply of utterly needed miracles, and walking in the unquenchable joy of the Lord. Every reader will find incredible challenge and refreshment in these pages.
My Thoughts
It's a little hard to put my thoughts about this book into words but here goes! It was really cool to get a glimpse into all that God is doing through these missionaries in Mozambique. There is definitely some powerful things happening! That being said I felt like it could have been told a little better. It really felt like it was a bunch of blog posts stuck in a book, which is fine, I just would have preferred if it was formatted like that rather than looking like a normal book. But that really isn't a big deal and if you feel like something like that wouldn't bother you than I highly encourage reading this!
About the Authors
Heidi and Rolland Baker, founders of Iris Ministries, served as missionaries in Indonesia and Hong Kong
before following God's call in 1995 to Mozambique. In the face of overwhelming need, the Bakers now watch God provide miraculously for well over 10,000 children every day through their ministry, and many more through the Iris network of more than 15,000 churches, Bible schools, primary schools, and remote outreach programs. They live in Mozambique, Africa.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.