Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday Memes 8/16

The Question:
Were you a born bookworm or did somebody got you into the habit of reading? 

My Answer:
I'm pretty sure I was born a bookworm but my sister did help my love of books to grow!

Hosted by: Rose City Reader

"Please join me every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name."

If only the plane would keep flying over the Atlantic and straight back to Virginia where Georgie belonged.
On Distant Shores by Sarah Sundin

My Thoughts
A beginning that raises some questions but having already read book one I kinda already knew the answers!


Lianne @ said...

Interesting opening, I wonder where that plane is headed to!

My Friday Book Memes

Vonnie said...

It's good that you had positive influences from your sister.

My post

Jaffareadstoo..... said...

I think I inherited my mother's love of reading and was born a book worm !

I wonder where Georgie is going - happy reading:)

Elizabeth said...

Sisters are good for helping with things. :)

Enjoy your day!!

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

Kathryn T said...

Nice your sister encouraged! I was the eldest, I loved books and all I can say is my younger sisters read all my books to rags, which I guess is great!

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