Four unexpected letters. Four intrepid women. Four lives changed forever.
Spanning a century and a continent, these romantic novellas will lead you on a journey through the landscape of love. Four young women find their lives altered after each receives a letter that sets her on a new path. From a Hudson River steamboat to a lush drawing room, from a carousel carver's workshop to a remote hospital, you'll be swept into the lives of women who are making their way in the world and finding love where they least expect it.
Moonlight Promise by Laurie Alice Eakes
Camilla Renfrew is a highborn English lady fleeing false accusations when she runs smack into love on a steamboat bound for the new Erie Canal. But can this unexpected attraction survive the treacherous journey?
Lessons in Love by Ann Shorey
Marigold Montgomery Bentley writes marriage advice for Kipler's Home Weekly even though she is single. Everyone assumes from the initials that "M. M." is a man. When the editor asks to meet Mr. Bentley, can Merrie come up with a ruse to keep her writing job?
One Little Word by Amanda Cabot
Lorraine Caldwell will lose her family fortune to a reckless cousin if she doesn't marry quickly. When she learns her long-lost brother is alive, she hopes she's found the answer to her problems. What she finds instead is a mysterious carousel carver who turns her life upside down.
A Saving Grace by Jane Kirkpatrick
Grace Hathaway must rescue a dear friend from a remote and notorious clinic that promises healing but delivers only heartache. In a place laced with deceit, where lives hang in the balance, whom can she trust to help her?
My Thoughts
Moonlight Promise by Laurie Alice Eakes
This was a well-written, fun novella. I enjoyed both Camilla and Nathaniel's characters, and while the romance was a bit fast, even for a novella, their relationship was sweet. It was also kinda cool to get a look into the early steamboats and how they worked! All in all a good read!
Lessons in Love by Ann Shorey
I really enjoyed this story! I loved the fact that the characters had known each other for a little while before the story started, and they were both great! Everything played out realistically and it was fun to watch their story unfold.
One Little Word by Amanda Cabot
I didn't enjoy this one as much as the previous two but it was still good! Lorraine and Jonah both took me a little while to warm up to, since they were both a bit standoffish at first. They became more likable as the story went on and I was rooting for them by the end. I loved learning more about the making of a carousel and it was fun to watch it come together.
A Saving Grace by Jane Kirkpatrick
To be honest this story was a little strange. The whole secretly bad sanatorium angle was not only a bit creepy but it felt like something out of an old mystery show like Hart to Hart. Then there was the fact that everything was extremely rushed, from the time-line to the romance (which really seemed to come out of nowhere). So as you may have guessed I really wasn't a fan of this story but I'm sure others will enjoy it!

Jane Kirkpatrick is the award-winning author of many novels, including A Flickering Light. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and lives in Oregon. Visit www.jkbooks.com for more.
Amanda Cabot is the bestselling author of the Texas Dreams series, the Westward Winds series, and Christmas Roses. She lives in Wyoming. Visit www.amandacabot.com for more.
Laurie Alice Eakes is the author of The Midwives series and The Daughters of Bainbridge House series. Laurie Alice writes full-time from her home in Texas, where she lives with her husband. Visit www.lauriealiceeakes.com for more.
Ann Shorey is the author of the At Home in Beldon Grove series and the Sisters at Heart series. Ann and her husband make their home in southwestern Oregon. Visit www.annshorey.com for more.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Glad to read your thoughts on these novellas- I'll be reading this collection soon!
Heidi-I hope you enjoy it!
Abbi -- Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review Sincerely Yours. I'm sorry that it took you a while to warm up to Lorraine and Jonah, but I'm glad you enjoyed the carousel trivia. As you can tell, I have carousel fever.
Amanda-Thanks for stopping by and for writing a fun story!
Abbi, I'm a little late reading your blog. Thank you so much for reviewing Sincerely Yours. I'm especially pleased that you enjoyed Lessons in Love. Writing Merrie's story was a lot of fun for me. :)
Ann-Thank you for stopping by!
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