Saturday, March 19, 2005

Living Writing

Just a quick note this time. I wanted to say thanks for all the encouraging comments on my last post. Spring is definitely on the way here in western PA. Just today we had three flies and a wasp in the house, and our snowman melted away. I'm also feeling more positive about my writing.

I felt a profound sense of deja vu when a few days ago I found myself living out a scene from one of my novels. It wasn't exactly the same, but the general setting and about a dozen details matched the ones I'd written, and I wasn't even trying. Even the phase of the moon and the day of the month match. Kind of strange, and very neat.


Valerie Comer said...

LOL. And here in BC, its cold, windy, and snowing. Typical March weather, except that we've been having spring for two full months. Glad your spirits have picked up with the weather, and hope mine don't fall with our weather here!!

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