Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Jack Cavanaugh and Updates

Gina Holmes over at Novel Journey has posted the first part of her interview with Jack Cavanaugh. Jack's one of my favorite authors, and the interview offers some great insights into his writing process. He also blogs every once in a while at Charis Connection.

I've decided to set Evergreen Secrets aside for a while. The constant rehashing of the editing process wears down my creativity levels, so I'll look at doing yet another edit (and possible lengthing) sometime in the future.

I'm currently at work on reviews and my new work-in-progress, a fantasy novel. I'm taking Forward Motion's two-year-novel (2yn) writing class, so I won't get to start the actual writing until July. I've started a blog about it to keep all my ideas in one place (if you'd like to visit, email me for the link).


Unknown said...

Thanks for the plug! Jack gives a great interview. I hope I'm that giving when I get where he is.

I know what you mean on the editing something to death thing. My first novel could have strong potential if I'd go back and rewrite the thing, But I would rather have my fingers clipped off at this point. :) I'm just so sick of it.

I'm editing the second novel and I love the rewriting process, just within reason. I love that title btw!

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