Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-A-Thon: Halfway Update and Mid-Event Questionnaire

WOOHOO!!!! Halfway done! We are officially past the 12 hour mark and I'm loving it! Here are the Mid-Event Questions:
1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired? I'm actually pretty good so far! I'm kinda on a hyper reading high!
2) What have you finished reading? Prom and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg and Cascade by Lisa T. Bergren
3) What is your favorite read so far? I've enjoyed them all (except the one I quit) but I'd have to go with Cascade, though Torrent is shaping up to be just as good!
4) What about your favorite snacks? I haven't really done snacks, but rather quick meals. For breakfast I made a smoothie-ish thing that had: frozen strawberries, OJ, Whipped Cream, vanilla, and a smidge of sugar. And then for lunch and dinner I had homemade quesadillas: taco shells with cheddar cheese, and Tastefully Simple's Bacon Bacon, stuck in the broiler.
5) Have you found any new blogs through the readathon? If so, give them some love! I've been more focused on reading then blog hopping-sorry!

Currently Reading: 78 Pages through!

Total Page Count: 870


Melanie said...

Love Cascade and Torrent!! GREAT books! You've read a lot more books during the read-a-thon than I have (I've only finished one book!).

Hoping I'll be able to finish at least one more book before the read-a-thon is over. :)

Abbi Hart said...

I hope you're able to finish another one too! I'm hoping to at least finish Torrent and Bourne but we'll see!

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