So today there are two mini-challenges and I decided to do both of them!
My Literary Best Friend-hosted by Auggie Talk
Everyone has that one character. The character that they know they could relate to, get along with, have fun with, and laugh with. A literary BFF!
Tell us who your literary BFF is and why they're your always friend. What do you guys do together? What do you talk about? Get creative and let us know who your Literary Best Friend is!
I have never really thought about this but the first one that came to my mind was Lucy from Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones. We have the same sense of humor so I know we would have a blast! She also is really down to earth which I totally like!
Passing Books-hosted by Reading in Texas and The Space Between
To enter this challenge, tell us what happens to your books after you have read them.
Well if I like a book then I keep it! And if I don't like it I either sell it or give it away. But sometimes when I liked the book but know I'll never read it again, then I do the same as I would for a book I don't like. However I always give my sibs first dibs, if I don't want to keep a book then any of them can just have it!
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