Ifyou are tagged, post 11 random things about yourself. Answer thequestions I (the tagger) asked you, then create 11 new questions forthe people you tag, and go to their blog and let them know they'vebeen tagged.
1.Are you a night-owl or early-bird?
Major night owl! I usually stay up into the early morning, with my family that's when I can get alone time!
Major night owl! I usually stay up into the early morning, with my family that's when I can get alone time!
2.If you were going to go on vacation and could only travel viaairplane or ship, which would youchoose?
Airplane. I used to be frightened by them but after one trip I found I enjoyed it, and since I get car sick I don't feel like seeing how I react to being on a ship!
3. Name your favoriteholiday?
Christmas! As I said I love to give gifts so this is the best time of year!!!
4. Do you watch anyreality shows? If so, which ones?
4. Do you watch anyreality shows? If so, which ones?
On occasion. I like My Fair Wedding with David Tutera, Say Yes to the Dress, What Not to Wear, and The Sing-Off
5.What is your favorite genre to read and what was the last book inthat genre you've read?Christian Romance-The Shadow of Your Smile by Susan May Warren
6.Which do you prefer - a snowstorm or thunderstorm?
5.What is your favorite genre to read and what was the last book inthat genre you've read?Christian Romance-The Shadow of Your Smile by Susan May Warren
6.Which do you prefer - a snowstorm or thunderstorm?
Definitely a thunderstorm! I hate snow and love wind and rain. I love going out before a storm and just running through the wind.
7.If you could travel to any country, which would it be?
7.If you could travel to any country, which would it be?
Vacation wise Germany and Ireland. But I went on a mission trip to a children's home in Mexico and I REALLY want to go back.
8.What are the five songs you listen to the most?
Hmm hard to pick just 5. The current ones that I'm really enjoying are:
1. Live Like That by Sidewalk Prophets
2.Good Morning by Mandisa and Toby Mac
3. Something Worth Dying For by MIKESCHAIR
4. Like A Lion by Kristian Stanfill
5. City On A Hill by Casting Crowns
9.Do you have any phobias?
I'm terrified of having an IV put in. I get squeamish easily and the thought of that freaks me out!
10.Who are your top three favorite authors?
10.Who are your top three favorite authors?
1. Susan May Warren!!!!!!!!
2. Mary Connealy
3. Dee Henderson/Ronie Kendig/Cathy Marie Hake/Irene Hannon
11.If you were stuck on an abandoned island for one year and could takefive fiction books with you, what would they be?
11.If you were stuck on an abandoned island for one year and could takefive fiction books with you, what would they be?
1. Sean Donovan by Lori Wick
2. Donovan's Daughter by Lori Wick
3. The Truth Seeker by Dee Henderson
4. Escape to Morning by Susan May Warren
5. Hollywood Nobody by Lisa Samson
My Questions
1. Indoors or Outdoors?
2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
3. When you die what is the one thing you most want to be remembered for?
4. On a plane, do you like the aisle, middle, or window seat? Why?
5. Paperback, Hardback, or ebook?
6. If you could meet one person, living, dead, or fictional, who would it be and why?
7. Favorite Classic?
8. What are you favorite TV shows and movies?
9. What is the best gift you have ever received?
10. If you were given 3 wishes, one for you, one for your community, and one for the world, what would they be?
11. What is one book that you love to recommend to people?
People I'm Tagging
1. Faye - Labor Not In Vain
2. Jen - Book Reviews From A Book Lover
3. Abby - Follow God-Every Day
4. Kristin - Sew Technicolor
5. Katie - Legacy of a Writer
6. Ruth - Booktalk & More
7. Kate - The Parchment Girl
8. Ariel - The Librarian's Bookshelf
9. Cheryl - The Power of a Story
10. Holly Renee - Shelf Life
11. Rina - Rina's Reading
Thanks for tagging me, Abbi :) And about the 6 literal days of creation...Amen, sister! Thanks for standing up for the truth! I'm like, obcessed with AiG, and I was so excited when i got the opportunity to see Dr. David Menton in person at a conference. I was one of the only people younger than 50 who went, which was really sad, but it was a great experience! Loved getting to know more about you, Abbi :) See ya on Goodreads!
Thanks for tagging me! About the ranch. I do the exact same thing. Lol. Ranch makes everything taste better. I agree with Faye, it was great getting to know you better.
Thanks for tagging me! I love Susan May Warren too, but I hate thunderstorms! I love snow.
Thanks Faye and Holly Renee! I too am glad for a chance to get to know you guys better!
Faye-I just left a comment on your tag post! Woohoo for AiG!
Holly Renee-SO cool to find a fellow ranch fan!
Kate-Susan May Warren is the best! I find snow pretty but it seems to be more of a hassle.
Thanks for the tag! I finally finished up my reply: http://rinasreading.blogspot.com/2012/03/ive-been-tagged.html :-)
Have you been to the Creation Museum yet? It's amazing. I can't wait for the Ark Encounter to be finished!
Rina-Thanks for replying! I have been desperately wanted to go to the Creation Museum since I first heard about it but haven't been able to make it yet :(
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