Whether chosen and celebrated--like going off to college or welcoming your first baby--or unexpected and anxiety-inducing--like losing a job or grappling with a broken trust--all change brings stress. Kristen Strong knows about change--especially the kind you didn't choose or expect. What she's fought hard to learn over the years is that change is not something to be feared but something to be received as a blessing from a God who, more often than not, works through change, not in spite of it. Strong has learned to see change not as a grievance but as a grace.
In this hope-filled book, she shows women how when we follow God's will, we receive blessings of contentment, purpose, and renewed strength. She encourages women to see change not as the end of their story but as the scenery for this part of life's journey. And she offers practical advice for coping with change in every part of life. Anyone who has struggled to adjust to life's transitions will welcome this warm and personal perspective.
My Thoughts
I haven't faced too much change in my life and most of the change was the kind that I wanted. There were a few changes that were a little harder for me and some I handled well others not so well. To be honest I wasn't sure if I would get much out of this book, but I was wrong! This book was amazing! I wrote down so many quotes I lost count. The author changed the entire way I view change. It always just seemed like something that you had to get through but Kristen challenges us to look for the ways God is using the change to shape our lives. I definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone out there and especially those who are facing changes whether good or bad!

Kristen Strong is a popular blogger at Chasing Blue Skies (chasingblueskies.net) and DaySpring's (in)courage, as well as a writer whose work has appeared in MOMSense and Family Fun magazines. She and her husband, David, have three children. Together this military family has zig-zagged across the country (and one ocean!) several times, and they currently live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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