The American Revolution is finally over and Sophie Menzies is starved for good news. When her closest neighbor, General Seamus Ogilvy finally comes home to Tall Acre, she hopes it is a sign of better days to come. But the general is now a widower with a small daughter in desperate need of a mother. Nearly destitute, Sophie agrees to marry Seamus and become the mistress of Tall Acre in what seems a safe and sensible arrangement. But when a woman from the general's past returns without warning, the ties that bind this fledgling family together will be strained to the point of breaking. When all is said and done, who will be the rightful mistress of Tall Acre?
My Thoughts
I tend to forget how amazing this author truly is until I pick up another one of her books and get blown away by her talent! Due to busyness I lost track of the days and suddenly realized I had a little over twenty-four hours to get this book read and reviewed! Thankfully it was so amazing that I probably would have devoured it in a similar length of time regardless of a looming deadline! The second I heard about this book I knew I would love it! After all it was written by a fabulous author, was set around one of my favorite time periods in history, and had a marriage of convenience which is a plot line that I love. Needless to say it was next to impossible that I would have anything but good things to say about this book!
I loved both Seamus and Sophie's characters! Seamus may have seemed gruff on the outside but all it took was one scene with his daughter to see that he had a kind and caring heart. Sophie was an amazing heroine, I admired her strength through all of the hardships she'd faced and how she never let her circumstances change who she was. Lily Cate was a precious child and it was so sweet to watch her blossom under Sophie's care and as she got to know her father.
I was completely engrossed in this story and there were several unexpected turns I didn't see coming. In short this book was absolutely amazing from start to finish and I highly recommend it!!
Meet the Author

According to Publishers Weekly, "Frantz has done her historical homework." With her signature attention to historical detail and emotional depth, she is represented by Janet Kobobel Grant, Literary Agent & Founder, Books & Such Literary Agency of Santa Rosa, California.
Readers can find Laura Frantz at www.laurafrantz.net
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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