Due to her parents' promise at her birth, Lady Rosemarie has been prepared to become a nun on the day she turns eighteen. Then, a month before her birthday, a friend of her father's enters the kingdom and proclaims her parents' will left a second choice--if Rosemarie can marry before the eve of her eighteenth year, she will be exempt from the ancient vow.
Before long, Rosemarie is presented with the three most handsome and brave knights in the land. But when the competition for her heart seemingly results in a knight playing foul, she begins to wonder if the convent is the best place after all. If only one of the knights--the one who appears the most guilty--had not already captured her heart.
My Thoughts
As a huge fan of Jody Hedlud's historical novels I was beyond ecstatic to discover that she was publishing a YA medieval story! I anxiously awaited it's release and was so excited the day it arrived in my mailbox. I read it as quickly as my busy schedule allowed and I loved every minute! It was such a fun and unique premise and it was executed brilliantly. The author did a good job of keeping you guessing, a least for a bit, which knight Rosemarie would fall in love with. Full warning I plan to talk about the knight she does chose so if you want to have it be a bit of a mystery then you probably shouldn't read further. I loved Rosemarie especially her compassionate nature and her love and care for everyone even those who were technically beneath her station. As for the three knights I enjoyed them all but one of them stood out to me from the beginning and I was so happy when he was the one Rosemarie fell in love with. Bennet was charming with his flattery, Collin was endearing with his humor and carefree personality, but it was Derrick who caught my attention from the get go. He's more the strong yet quiet type not given to the bold grand gestures like his friends. I loved how he never tried to impress Rosemarie, but rather unashamedly did what he believed to be right. Honestly he was a completely swoon-worthy hero that I quickly fell in love with.
I guessed early on who was behind all of the incidents that kept occurring but that didn't make it any less intriguing and I was even a little shocked at the lengths the individual was willing to go to.
Even though this is a shorter book it really didn't feel like it and the author did a fabulous job of using every moment to her advantage! I loved everything about this book and cannot wait for book two!

Jody Hedlund is an award-winning and bestselling author of inspirational historical romances for both youth and adults.
As a busy mama-writer, she has the wonderful privilege of teaching her crew of 5 children at home. In between grading math papers and giving spelling tests, she occasionally does a load of laundry and washes dishes. When she's not busy being a mama, you can find her in front of her laptop working on another of her page-turning stories.
She loves reading almost as much as she loves writing, especially when it also involves chocolate and coffee.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
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