Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Top Ten New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2014

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I read a lot of really good books by new-to-me authors this year but these are the ten that stuck out the most!

Kate Breslin-Her debut novel For Such a Time blew me away and I can't wait to see what else this author has in store for us!

Jill Williamson-It is sad how long it took me to read books by this author but I am loving her Safe Lands novels and I will be definitely reading her other books!

Victoria Bylin-I absolutely loved Until I Found You and I am very excited about her upcoming release!

Patricia Bradley-Both of her books that released this year were exceptional suspense novels and I am really looking forward to the chance to read book three next year.

C.J. Darlington-I'd heard about this author a lot through my sister who is friends with her but I hadn't read any of her books till Jupiter Winds which I devoured! I really hope there are going to be more books in that series!

Mary Weber-I loved her debut Storm Siren and I am eagerly awaiting the next book in the series so I can find out what happened!

Kristy Cambron-Another beautiful debut that totally captured me! A brilliant mix of past and present!

Laura Jackson-I was a little surprised by how much I loved Worth the Wait though I really shouldn't have been! The hero of the story is probably one of my favorites that I read in 2015

Joanne Bischof-After hearing good things about this author I finally picked up her first book and I loved it! Now I just have to go buy the next two in the series!

Chelsea Jacobs-This debut author wrote such a poignant story and it has really stuck with me!


Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I confess I haven't read any of these authors. It makes me aware how many books are out there that I will place on my pile to read but I am overwhelmed by how many there are on it already. Sigh. Check out my TTT@Head Full of Books

danicapage said...

I am still waiting to read one by Bradley. I really hope to get to one soon. Thanks for sharing.
here's mine

I also have a $30 gift certicate to Amazon giveaway, so check that out if you want.

Mama Marie said...

Great list! I haven't actually read any of the authors on your list, but perhaps I should! I like what ya'll are doing here, with this blog focused on Christian reads. Here's my TTT. Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

I had a couple of these authors on my TBR, but you can bet I had my GoodReads open and was looking up all the ones you mentioned. Looks like I have some new authors to read in 2015! Great list! =)

Missie said...

All of these authors are still new to me, I will totally have to check them out!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Enter my blog birthday giveaway!

Rissi said...

Joanne Bischof. So beautiful! She's on my list too. :)

Abbi Hart said...

Anne-Many of these were debut authors so it's not too surprising that you haven't heard of them! It seems like that TBR pile is ever-growing!

Danica-They were both really good and I hope you get one of her books soon!

Marie-As I told Anne, that's not too surprising since most of these are first time authors! Thank you for your encourgement!

fitnesshealthandbooks-Glad I could help you find some new reads!

Missie-They are pretty good!

Rissi-Yeah she's pretty great!

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