Friday, August 01, 2008

CFBA Magazine, DragonLight, and Update

CFBA Magazine is out today! Last month's issue was chock full of information, and this one promises to be the same. I've only had the chance to read one article (since I'm at work), and because I'm a fan of Randy Ingermanson and was looking for a laugh to brighten my day, I chose his Randy Rooney column.

I loved it. Especially the last line.

Also, this week CFBA is touring DragonLight by Donita K. Paul. I just reviewed it for the CSSF tour, so you can read my post here. During the tour, I won a DragonKeeper t-shirt in Becky Miller's contest, and Donita was gracious enough to send one for both me and my little sister! I hope to put up a picture soon, but for now here's what they say:


Poke the Magic Dragon
and Puff will be your name.


Look wise,
Say nothing,
And eat only those who annoy you.

Another thing - some of my writer friends know how hard it has been for me to write since I got this job (I'm up at 4:30AM and don't get home until 6PM), but yesterday I wrote 300 words in my WIP! Not much, but it knocked me past the 20,000 word mark and hopefully out of a sticky scene. I'm hoping this will continue. Even just 300 words a day is over 2,000 a week.