Zivon Marin was one of Russia's top cryptographers until the October Revolution tore apart his world. Forced to flee to England after speaking out against Lenin, Zivon is driven by a growing anger and determined to offer his services to the Brits. But never far from his mind is his brother, whom Zivon fears died in the train crash that separated them.
Lily Blackwell sees the world best through the lens of a camera and possesses unsurpassed skill when it comes to retouching and re-creating photographs. With her father's connections in propaganda, she's recruited to the intelligence division, even though her mother would disapprove if she ever found out.
After Captain Blackwell invites Zivon to dinner one evening, a friendship blooms between him and Lily that soon takes over their hearts. But both have secrets they're unwilling to share, and neither is entirely sure they can trust the other. When Zivon's loyalties are called into question, proving him honest is about more than one couple's future dreams--it becomes a matter of ending the war.
My Thoughts
Roseanna M. White never fails to wow me and of course this book was no exception! I was completely fascinated with the glimpses we got of Lily and Zivon in the previous book and I was elated when I found out they would be the hero and heroine of this book!
I loved the way Lily looked at the world, finding pockets of beauty in every ordinary moment. Her skill at capturing that beauty was amazing and I was also impressed by all the ways she helped the Admiralty. She had such a caring heart which was evident in how fiercely she loved her family and the way she served at the hospital.
Zivon was definitely a mystery from the moment we met him but I loved seeing the layers peel back and getting to know the amazing hero beneath. His loyalty and determination were some of his most admirable qualities as well as the way he was able to keep moving forward and fighting for right despite having all that he cherished ripped away from him. The way his brain was always working steps ahead was truly fascinating and I loved seeing it in action.
Together Zivon and Lily were just absolutely perfect. Their romance started a little slowly but it unfolded beautifully at just the right pace and I loved it. The way Lily pulled Zivon out of his solitary existence and the way Zivon saw Lily’s heart above all else. They had my heart melting and I couldn’t stop reading.
The villains of this book were both easy and hard to hate and I applaud the way the author wrote them. I absolutely detested their actions but she also showed us their humanity.
I adored getting glimpses of all of our favorite characters from this series and the previous two (especially Barclay) though I’m refusing to accept that this is the end of this story world despite what the author has said. In all seriousness though this book was amazing and the perfect cap on this Codebreakers series! These three series will forever be some of my absolute favorites and I’m so thankful for them!
Roseanna M. White is a bestselling, Christy Award-nominated author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she's homeschooling her two kids, editing, designing book covers, and pretending her house will clean itself. You can learn more about her and her stories at www.roseannamwhite.com.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.