Monday, February 13, 2006

Joy . . . and Sorrow

My inbox yielded two important emails this late afternoon and evening.

First, I was offered a paid review columnist position at a new magazine, Keepin' On. Something regular, something paid - this sounds wonderful. They want the first column as soon as I can write it.

As I was replying to this exciting offer, another email arrived. One that I thought I'd have to wait months for. One that I'd spent months, even years, preparing for. One that will definitely damper future months.

Heartsong Presents rejected Evergreen Secrets. I hadn't even posted the good news that I'd finally submitted it on here. They even spelled the name of the book wrong on the mostly form email, leaving off the "n" in Evergreen. I was rejected by someone who can't even spell.

Not sure what my next step is.

Happy Valentine's Day, huh?