Thursday, April 06, 2006

Robin Lee Hatcher - A Winning Sites Contest

This contest features Robin Lee Hatcher's Diamond Place, the latest novel in her Hart's Crossing series. No, I didn't tell her which series I'd like to promote. She just happened to pick the one that included my last name.

Robin's giving away TWO books - an autographed copy of both first titles in the Hart's Crossing series: Legacy Lane and Veteran's Way. See below for how to enter the contest.


Angie Hunter left Hart's Crossing for college and never looked back. So when her widowed mother needs care following surgery, Angie is more than ready to hire a nurse rather than return to her antiquated hometown. But when she is passed over for a promotion at work, an angry Angie quits and heads home anyway.

Francine Hunter is both excited and nervous about having her daughter home for the next two months. She sees this as her chance to make a new connection with her estranged daughter. Will she be able to nudge Angie toward faith without overdoing it? Or will Angie pack up and leave for a new job as soon as Francine has recovered?


Compelled to move back to the comfort of his home town, Jimmy Scott returns to Hart's Crossings, a small town with a big heart. And it's just as he remembered. Then he bumps into an old friend--Steph Carlson, a childhood sweetheart he had once dreamt of spending the rest of his life with. Those dreams went unrealized when he went off to the Korean War, and they both ended up marrying others.

Now Jimmy and Steph are both in Hart's Crossing. And when Jimmy realizes that they've both survived the deaths of their spouses, he begins to wonder what might have happened if only . . . As memories of their first kiss and innocent courtship flood back, Jimmy finds he still has feelings for this woman. Does she feel the same about him? Will they be able to rekindle what they had so many years ago? Or is it too late for a second chance at romance?


Nobody loves baseball more than ten-year-old Lyssa Sampson. Nobody. For as long as she can remember, she's had only one dream: to be a pitcher at the Little League World Series. But Coach Jenkins has other plans, and Lyssa has to do a little innocent scheming to make her dream come true.

When Coach Jenkins appears to be interested in Lyssa's single mother, Terri, Lyssa sees an opportunity for a little matchmaking. Maybe her efforts will help her mother find happiness again — and give Lyssa a chance at her dream at the same time. But will Terri and Coach Jenkins let a ten-year-old deal with matters of the heart? Or will reason take over and spoil Lyssa's plan?

The Contest

This time there are TWO ways to enter. One, leave a comment, telling me about a favorite Robin Lee Hatcher book or why you love reading her blog. Two, email me the answers to the questions below.

You can enter either way - or both for double the chances of winning the first two titles in this great series! And you also get the regular Winning Sites prize of a link of your choice featured on the sidebar.

A few (unfortunately) necessary rules. The prizes will be mailed to a US or Canadian address. If you live outside those countries and still want to participate, you need to be willing to send Robin the extra postage cost via PayPal if you win. Simple as that. Since I'm going to need your mailing address if you win, your post should include your full name and email address so I can contact you (your email should also include your full name). I'll be adding the email addresses to a list so I can let you know of future contests and important news - like when I get one of my books published. If you'd rather not be a part of the list, put "Don't add me to the list" in your comment or email.

Questions (answer by email!):

Where does Robin live?

Name two awards Robin has won.

What TV show does Robin enjoy watching?

What's the name of the other blog on which Robin occasionally posts?

In October, how many published books will Robin have?