Monday, April 24, 2006

Winner Four and Myspace

Congratulations to Dawn Thomason! She won the first two books in Robin Lee Hatcher's Hart's Crossing series. Also, one of her favorite sites, Faith Writers, is now listed under Winning Sites. Keep checking back here for more Winning Sites contests!

Authors, want to get in on the fun? Have a book you'd like to exchange for promotion on this site? Contact me for more details!

For anyone who was wondering - my brother Stephen's surgery went well. He was even able to come home the day of the surgery instead of spending two to three days at the hospital. He's still in a lot of pain, so continue praying for him.

Do any of you authors and writers use Myspace to promote your work? Many music artists use it to connect with their fans and offer a sampling of their work, but I've only seen a few authors on there. One publishing company has a myspace of their own, but only a handful of their authors are connected with it. What are some of the pros and cons of authors using Myspace?