Monday, May 16, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #224 & Bout of Books 16 Wrap-Up

Hosted by: The Book Date

Bout of Books

Here is what I finished last week:
This is probably the least I've ever read during a read-a-thon. But considering that I wasn't feeling the best all week, had to work six days and had plans all but one of those six evenings, and spent Sunday at church and visiting with out of state family, I'm just happy I got this much read! I had already started Anchor in the Storm and I got about a hundred pages through another books so my page total was 972! I absolutely adored every single one of these books, they were amazing!

What I am currently reading:
Loving this one! Sad to see this series end but it's going out with a bang!

What I hope to read this week:
Not sure if I'll get to this one this week but it's next on my list!

Hope you have a great reading week, thanks for taking the time to check out mine!
Leave your link below and I'll be sure to stop by!