When Amy Somers loses her job as a lobbyist, she moves to Misty Willow, well aware that she's crossing bridges she'd burned years before. With all the mistakes she's made and the uncaring things she's done--even to her own family--she can hardly believe that happiness will find her, especially when Gabe Kendall, her first crush and her first kiss, rides back into her life atop a buckskin mare.
A former Marine, Gabe is at loose ends after serving a prison sentence for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He sees beyond Amy's hard exterior to the girl he once knew and loved, and he longs to see her open her heart. Yet with his vision clouded by shame for his past and fears about the future, he finds it difficult to see the path ahead.
But the memory of that long-ago kiss just may have the power to reignite a romance that brings out the best in both of them.
My Thoughts
This author is one that I forget how amazing their books are until I'm lost within the pages of the next book. But I'm glad that I keep coming back because she has yet to disappoint!
I'll be honest, I didn't like Amy at all in the previous two books. She was cold, calculating, manipulative, and in general not a pleasant person. There are few authors who can redeem a disliked character and thankfully Johnnie is one of them. After a wake-up call regarding her health Amy really begins to reevaluate her life, and not really liking the person she's become, decides to start to make changes. It was nice to get into her head and see the emotions she was experiencing when she did the things she did. While it didn't excuse them it helped to see that her actions came more from a place of hurt than malice. Amy was such a real character. She wasn't just suddenly perfect, the journey from who she was to who she wanted to become was slow and difficult and mistakes were made along the way. But I admired how she never gave up. The author handled the issue of her eating disorder with grace while also showing the very real struggles that those suffering from conditions like Amy's face. My heart broke for all the pain she'd endured in her life and I loved watching her rise from the ashes of it all.
Heath was awesome. As someone who was sentenced for a crime he didn't commit he could have been bitter and angry but instead he saw the way God used that time for good and was determined to make the most of his life. I loved the way he cared for his aunt, and their close relationship was beautiful. I also loved the way he interacted with Amy, being there for her when needed but never pushing her beyond what she was comfortable with. Their relationship blossomed slowly but beautifully and it was a joy to watch it unfold.
It was great to catch up with AJ and Shelby, and Brett and Dani, as well as the kids. I had a wonderful time getting to know this family and I'm sad to see this series end!

Johnnie Alexander is the award-winning author of Where Treasure Hides and Where She Belongs, as well as an accomplished essayist and poet. Her Misty Willow Series was inspired by a 19th century house she lived in as a teen. Join her at www.johnnie-alexander.com to experience the love of random travel and the joy of treasured moments.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.