Monday, February 13, 2006

Joy . . . and Sorrow

My inbox yielded two important emails this late afternoon and evening.

First, I was offered a paid review columnist position at a new magazine, Keepin' On. Something regular, something paid - this sounds wonderful. They want the first column as soon as I can write it.

As I was replying to this exciting offer, another email arrived. One that I thought I'd have to wait months for. One that I'd spent months, even years, preparing for. One that will definitely damper future months.

Heartsong Presents rejected Evergreen Secrets. I hadn't even posted the good news that I'd finally submitted it on here. They even spelled the name of the book wrong on the mostly form email, leaving off the "n" in Evergreen. I was rejected by someone who can't even spell.

Not sure what my next step is.

Happy Valentine's Day, huh?


Mirtika said...

Oh, Katie, I'm sorry. What a bummer bit of news. And not just the rejection, but the HOW of it.

It's kind of rubbing it in...

What next? Well, definitely pray; maybe revise and resubmit elsewhere. Or just let it sit while you write/finish your next manuscript and get that out the door.

And maybe enjoy being a paid columnist for a spell, too. :)


Ruth said...

I am so sorry to hear about the email from Heartsong...that has got to be difficult. Hang in there & don't give up on your dreams!

Elaina M. Avalos said...

Katie! I'm definitely sorry to hear about the email from Heartsong. But hang in there. I know, I know, easier said than done! I got mine late fall and it really set me off course for too long. I let it discourage me A LOT. Don't follow in my footsteps :)

On another note congratulations on the paying gig. Exciting! I'm jealous ;)

Say hey on AIM if you want to chat.

Katie Hart - Pinterest Manager said...

Thanks, everyone.

I am feeling a little better about it now - I emailed them back, asking (nicely) if they'd be able to let me know why my proposal was rejected. They responded by saying they'd already contracted a series of novels for Pennsylvania, my setting. So at least it wasn't them hating my writing.

Still pondering what to do, though.

Ruth said...

Don't give up! I was reading an interview w/ Siri L. Mitchell and she was talking about how many proposals she had to send in for years before she was accepted...and now the books by her I'm reading are some of the best new fiction I've read in recent years. If you believe God has called you to write, KEEP at it! Take care!

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