Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bits of Writing News

Well, it's official - my poem "Don't Go" made it into Infuze Magazine's Best of 2005: Short Stories & Poetry. I get not a red cent from the publication, but it's still great to have something published in a book.

I began the two-year novel writing course at Forward Motion this month. I'm using the idea I had for a fantasy novel, rooted in a short story written about three years ago. "The Keeper of The Stone" won second place in a writing conference's fantasy contest, and a judge's comments suggested I could turn it into a book. I've done little with the idea since, but now Karel and Tahir are desperate to get their story told. The course seems to be going awfully slow at this point. Important stuff is discussed, but the assignments are only a paragraph or two.

I also started the final revision of Winter's story, Evergreen Secrets. It's still hard to change more than a few words here and there, but I'm trying.

Reviewing is going well and staying fairly up-to-date. This month I found two of my earlier reviews quoted on the back of later books in the two series. My name wasn't listed - just the magazine's name - so it was a gradual realization (that sounds familiar - wait, I didn't I review that book?). Also, my fantasy round-up was published in Church Libraries.


C.J. Darlington said...

If I'm not mistaken, I think you got a quote in Plaguemaker by Tim Downs, too. With your full name. Cool. If you haven't seen it, let me know and I'll dig up the quote.

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