Monday, February 10, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #109

 Hosted By: Book Journey

Here is what I finished last week:
Loved all of these! I was hoping to get more reading in this week but I've been slightly obsessed with the Olympics!

What I am currently reading:
Loving this but progress has been slow due to the aforementioned Olympics!

What I hope to read this week:
Hoping to get to these three this week! I really need to be more diligent about reading during commercial breaks!

Blog Posts
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #108
You're Going to Be Okay by Holley Gerth
Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry
Worth the Wait by Laura Jackson 
Waiting on Wednesday #98: A Broken Kind of Beautiful
Bellflower by Amber Stokes
Forget Me Not by Amber Stokes

Hope you have a great reading week, thanks for taking the time to check out mine!
Leave your link below and I'll be sure to stop by!


Anonymous said...

Right now I'm finishing up Lisa Bergren's Remnants: Season of Wonder! It is amazing! One of the best books I have read!

Anonymous said...

The Princess one looks really romantic.

Stormi said...

A Match Made in Texas looks great! I hope you enjoy Picture Perfect as much as I did. :)


Abbi Hart said...

Laura-I can't wait to read that one! Sounds like it'll live up to my expectations!

Tea-I agree! Such a great cover!

Stomi-It is! And I've already started Picture Perfect and I'm loving it!

Leydy said...

Wow these sound interesting! Hope you enjoy them!

Check out what we are reading this week.

Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings

Brooke @ i blog 4 books said...

I'm hoping to read Princess Ever After this week. I loved the first book in the series!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Thrive looks interesting! Enjoy the week :)

Abbi Hart said...


Brooke-It's just as good!

Shelia-I'm looking forward to it!

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