Raina Bretton is a rag woman in London's east end when a handsome stranger appears in a dank alley and offers her a glittering smile and a chance for adventure. Rothburne Abbey has a unique position for her, one that will take her away from her hardscrabble life and give her a chance to be a lady. Things she could only dream of might be coming true. But some dreams turn out to be nightmares.
Though Raina has traded squalor for silk and satin, something about the abbey is deeply unsettling. As she wrestles with her true identity, the ruin, decay, and secrets she finds at the heart of the old mansion tear at her confidence and threaten to reveal her for who she really is. Only one man stands between her and the danger that lurks within--and only if he decides to keep her biggest secret hidden.
My Thoughts
Ever since her debut I have been hearing good things about this author. And at the urging of my bookstabestie I requested this one for review and purchased her debut novel. The debut was everything I was told it would be and it made me quite excited to read this one.
Sadly I was a little underwhelmed by this story. It wasn’t that it was bad or anything I just wasn’t in love like I was with Lady Jane Disappears. The author’s beautiful writing style still shone through, and I was again charmed by her way with words. Raina wasn’t my favorite heroine, especially with how she not only allowed herself to be entrapped in this weird situation but also got sucked into the materialistic mindset a bit.
Sully was great, his devotion to Raina and his humble attitude made him a character you could root for. I especially liked their unique way of communicating.
I can honestly say I was surprised with how things ended and the secrets that were revealed, I did not see any of them coming.
All in all this wasn’t a bad read just not a favorite of mine. I will definitely be interested to see what else the author has in store for us!

Joanna Davidson Politano is the award-winning author of Lady Jayne Disappears and A Rumored Fortune. She freelances for a small nonfiction publisher but spends much of her time spinning tales that capture the colorful, exquisite details in ordinary lives. She is always on the hunt for random acts of kindness, people willing to share their deepest secrets with a stranger, and hidden stashes of sweets. She lives with her husband and their two babies in a house in the woods near Lake Michigan and shares stories that move her at www.jdpstories.com.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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