Sunday, February 03, 2013

Know Me Better 2/3

Every week Kathy from I Am A Reader Not A Writer posts five questions from her author interview lists and asks us to answer them.

Is there anything you would like to say to or ask your favorite author?
My favorite author is Susan May Warren and I'd thank her for writing so many amazing books so quickly and I'd ask her how she can come up with so many versatile ideas/genres and write them all so well!

Are you a dreamer or a realist?
I am a major realist!!

Theater or Rental?
We don't do too much of either since my mom usually likes to buy the movies, but I do like seeing certain movies in theater especially the action ones!

Share a family tradition.
We have a decent amount of traditions but the most consistent and probably my favorite is that on Christmas morning, before any presents are allowed to be opened, my dad reads the Christmas story from Luke.

Favorite late night snack? 
I'm a crazy night owl so I have a decent amount of snacks that I go to, one of my favs is tuna with mayo on Wheat Thin crackers!


Alaskan Brat said...

I love Susan May Warren also, her books are wonderful. And I agree you are a crazy night owl, but so am I..... late nights are the best....

Unknown said...

That is so cool, I don't think we have family traditions.


Vonnie said...

I like your tradition. It's great that you guys involve the Bible on Christmas morning.


Unknown said...

Tuna at night. That surprised me. Have a great rest of your weekend.

Kelly @ Books and Beauti said...

I love tuna, but I dunno if I could eat it late at night. I LOVE your blog design by the way! :)

Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams
New Follower

Britt said...

I hadn't thought of tuna at night (I do pasta sometimes) but this sounds really good!

Unknown said...

I love late night snacks too. That's such a sweet family tradition :D

My Know Me Better post.

Angelica @ Paperback Princess

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