About the Book
Lexi Stuart is at a critical crossroads. She’s done with college but still living at home, ready to launch a career but unable to find a job, and solidly stalled between boyfriends.
When a lighthearted conversation in French with the manager of her favorite bakery turns into a job offer, Lexi accepts. But the actual glamour is minimal: the pay is less than generous, her co-workers are skeptical, her bank account remains vertically-challenged, and her parents are perpetually disappointed. Her only comfort comes from the flirtatious baker she has her eye–but even may not be who he seems to be!
So when a handsome young executive dashes into the bakery to pick up his high profile company’s special order for an important meeting–an order Lexi has flubbed–she loses her compulsion to please. Ssomething inside Lexi clicks. Laissez la révolution commencer! Let the revolution begin! Instead of trying to fulfill everyone else’s expectations for her life, Lexi embarks on an adventure in trusting herself and her God with her future–très bon!
My Thoughts
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I first came across the title when looking for a book for my little sister's 14th birthday last year (it's her 15th today!) I immediately knew they'd be books she'd like since she loves all things Paris and dreams of owning a cafe someday. But since it was adult fiction by an author I'd never read before I didn't want to give it to her without knowing the content so instead I bought her one of Sandra's other books that were geared for a younger age and filed this series away in my mind. So when I found out about this blog tour I jumped at the chance to finally read this books. And I have to say they are better than I thought they'd be!
Lexi is a really great character that you can't help cheering for and I loved all of the quirky people in her life. The cafe setting was also really fun (though it is a really bad idea to read these books when hungry, speaking from experience) and added a really great element to the story. I liked how the author didn't make her a baking genius but rather had her be a great baker who still made a few mistakes. Another thing that was well done was the mixing in of French words. Sometimes when authors add another language it can get annoying and or confusing but Sandra did it quite well. This was a fun quick read and left me ready to immediately pick up book two!

About the Author
Sandra Byrd is a prolific writer of fiction, including the popular Friends for a Season series for teens, and the bestselling Girls Like You and Secret Sisters series for young girls. She is a regular contributor to national Christian publications. Before she began writing full time, Sandra worked in marketing, sales, and acquisitions for an educational publisher. She and her husband have two children, and make their home in Seattle, Washington.
I received an ebook copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.
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