Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Memes 9/12

Book Blogger Hop

The Question:
What books would you want to read again for the first time?

My Answer:
I don't think there really are any! There are several that I want to reread though those are too many to name. I like knowing the book when I go to read it for the second time, it's like visiting an old friend, and I'd hate to have never met them!

Hosted by: Rose City Reader

"Please join me every Friday to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author's name."

The night air brushed her arms, and Lonnie prayed autumn's cool breath could whisper her off-carry her into another life. Lord, help me. She looked up at her pa and forced a tight smile.
Be Still My Soul by Joanne Bischof

My Thoughts
I love the wording used in this beginning "autumn's cool breath could whisper her off", beautiful! Also makes you wonder what has her praying for help!


Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Abi,

I wonder if the 'forced' smile for her father has anything to do with Lonnie's prayers?

Intriguing lines, thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.


Unknown said...

It's definitely an intriguing beginning - you're right, it makes you wonder what she's praying for.
My Friday post

Juli Rahel said...

Oh God, I never thought of it that way but it is so true that books are like old friends because sometimes they get you through really tough times or they're like travelling companions on holidays! I'd never want to forget that!! Maybe rather than forget we could just travel back in time and experience ourselves reading them again! The BB sounds very literary and the description is beautiful! Thanks for hosting :) I hope you have a great weekend!
Friday post
Juli @ Universe in Words

Katherine P said...

I love your perspective on reading. I definitely wouldn't want to forget any old friends! Interesting beginning. It sounds like there is a lot of back story here.

Billy Burgess said...

Great Answer!

Lisa Ks Book Reviews said...

prayed autumn's cool breath could whisper her off-carry her into another life...Perfect!

Unknown said...

I sometimes wish that the any breeze would lift me off into another world when life gets tpp weighty, but then I am thankful for my trials, they show me strength I didn't know was in me.

Abbi Hart said...

Yvonne-Thanks! I hope you have a great weekend too!

Sofia-Glad you agree!

Juli-That could work!

Katherine-Thank you! Yeah there's definitely a bit of back story!


Lisa-I agree!

Claudia-That is very well said!

Elizabeth said...

Perfect comparison for a re-read book.

An old friend would be how I would think about the book too.

Thanks for sharing.

Happy Hopping!!

Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer

JC Jones said...

Interesting start.

Anonymous said...

An autumn book must make you really appreciate the season.

Abbi Hart said...

Elizabeth-They really are!

JC-I agree!

Topazshell-Autumn is the best season and it is fun to read books set in the same season you are currently in!

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