Monday, December 16, 2013

Reading Cram Read-a-thon: Day 7 Update & Day 8 Challenge

The End of the Year 2013 Reading Cram will run from Dec. 9th-22nd

Day 7 Update
Books I Read Today: The Governess of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky (140 pgs)
The Unlikely Debut of Ellie Sweet by Stephanie Morrill (67 pgs)
Books I Finished Today: The Governess of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky
Pages Read Today: 207
Total Books Finished: 6
Total Pages Read: 1171

Day 7 Movie Cast Challenge
Hosted by Alex@Book Chick

The goal of this challenge is to pick a book that you  read in 2013 and make a movie cast for it. This challenge is always a hard one for me since I rarely actually make a mental picture of characters. I have enough of an idea to tell if someone doesn't look right but other than that I'm rather hopeless. So here's my rather pitiful attempt and I'm only doing the two main characters!

The book I picked Talon by Ronie Kendig

For Aspen I chose Emily Wickersham. She has that nice blend of sweet but tough that I think is perfect for Aspen!

And for Dane (this one was HARD) I chose Eduardo Verástegui. He's Mexican so he wouldn't actually work for Dane but I think this pic of him looks something like Dane-I don't know though!