Monday, April 21, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #119

 Hosted By: Book Journey

Here is what I finished last week:
I was pretty busy this week with babysitting and relatives in but I still managed to read Here to Stay which was purely awesome (I'll get the review up this week!) and I reread Six Hours One Friday on Good Friday.

What I am currently reading:
Still working on this one. I took a break to read Here to Stay and just haven't had the time.

What I hope to read this week:
I doubt I'll get to any of these since this week is filling up pretty fast but I'm still hopeful!

Blog Posts
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #118
Top Ten Bookish Things I'd Like to Own
Waiting on Wednesday #108: Raptor 6
A Sensible Arrangement by Tracie Peterson

Hope you have a great reading week, thanks for taking the time to check out mine!
Leave your link below and I'll be sure to stop by!


Juli Rahel said...

Oooh, Veronica Mars books, who knew? I hate how quickly the week fills up and then you're just there wanting to read! I've heard of Six Hours One Friday but I haven't read it myself!
Thanks for sharing and hosting :) I hope you have a great week!
My Monday post
Juli @ Universe in Words

maria helena said...

I just bought the Veronica Mars book, but haven't started reading it yet.

Anonymous said...

The titles are wonderful. Be Still My Soul looks great.

Abbi Hart said...

Juli-Yeah it's written by the writer of the show so it's pretty spot on! Six Hours One Friday is pretty amazing and I definitely recommend it!

Maria-I hope you enjoy it!

Tea norman-Yeah I've been wanting to read it for awhile now!

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